Tru Tangazo Uganda

Is Christianity a White Man's Religion?

You’ve probably heard it alleged that Christianity is a White-man’s Religion. Or, you’ve personally made that allegation, or espoused the idea.
But is that true? What would be the implication of it being true? Was Jesus himself white?
How would you substantiate, or respond to it? 

Here are some insights given by our National team leader, Raymond Bukenya in  the recording with the  Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics. (OCCA)

Is Suffering Reason to Reject God?

In this discussion, our National Team Leader, Raymond Bukenya and Charlie Styles (Team Leader at OCCA) examine whether suffering provides a reason to reject God. Raymond shares diverse perspectives on how people reconcile pain with spiritual beliefs, drawing from his experiences in Uganda’s Karimojong community and his personal story of suffering.

A major highlight is the four categories of suffering and the suggestion that suffering is like a Coin with two sides – being Pain (heads) and Privilege (tails).

You can catch more talks from our Team on our YouTube Channel and following us on X (formerly Twitter)

More from OCCA can be found on their website.

“Announcing Truth, Awakening Thought, Affirming Faith”


“Being a voice of Truth and Clarity, and bringing Biblically relevant Light on contextually contentious issues shaping thought and faith in our city, nation, region and beyond”

Feature Article

Bow Your Heads ... or Lose Them!

The Art and Safety of Counting the Cost in order to Avoid it.


Ministry Name:

Known as “Tru Tangazo”

URSB Company Registration No.:


  • +256(0)789-102-248
  • P.O.Box 114934, Kampala UG.