When it comes to day-to-day matters and contentious issues that concern us all; our welfare, Health, Education, Economics, Morality, Faith, Justice & Human Rights, Culture & Entertainment, or Governance, what truth objectively guides our perspective? Does such truth even exist? One may wonder.
Because of the innumerable opinions based on variant worldviews and prejudices, our world is highly polarized by conversations on what truth actually is or is not. At a roundtable of worldviews, is there one that represents truth objectively? Or do all worldviews contribute to what finally becomes truth? Which of the various positions should shape our personal and communal thought, and perspective? We obviously can’t leave it to chance.
Soviet nuclear physicist and noble laureate Andrei Sakharov once said, “The truth, is far more powerful than any weapon of mass destruction.”
At Tru Tangazo, captivated by the wonder and power of truth, we have identified the need, and embraced the challenge to seek and share enlightenment and clarity on the Tough Questions of Life and Faith through Apologetics and Conversation. Questions that can only be satisfied by truth. Who am I? Where do I come from? Why are we here? Is there any meaning and purpose to life? What about all this suffering? What is the end of all things? …among others.
One of the core roles of Apologetics is to peel away the various layers of distortions and falsehoods that blur or suppress the truth. In other words, to shine light on truth, in a dark and crooked world, as the Apostle Paul would say in Philippians 2:15. Because when truth is finally found or known (since it can’t just be invented), Life’s journey is Lighten up for individuals and communities, and whole generations. truth is known to set free. Our conviction as Tru Tangazo, that only one person in history embodies truth, Light, and Life – Jesus Christ, and it is Him that we proclaim.
While many weapons are used for destruction, truth is the kind we can use to build individual lives and our society. Drawing our mandate from John 1 and Isaiah 52:7-10, we at Tru Tangazo have a commitment to; bring good news of Salvation, and publish peace and happiness in a broken world. We want to come to the roundtable of worldviews with “… a voice of truth and clarity, bringing Biblically relevant light on contextually contentious issues shaping thought and faith in our city, nation, region and beyond”.
We believe this goal is achievable, but we also know that it is not the kind of task we can do by ourselves. We therefore invite you to join us on this very adventurous journey ahead of us, in learning, unlearning, reaching, evangelizing, teaching, equipping and discipling all who genuinely thirst for truth. Your partnership in support by prayer or finances is essential for every effort in “Announcing truth, Awakening Thought, and Affirming Faith”. For the benefit of the believer and skeptic.
Thank you.