Tru Tangazo Uganda

Regarding the US Statements

While Ravi Zacharias is responsible for his own sin, we must also acknowledge and repent of our own wrongdoing. By believing Ravi Zacharias and forwarding the statement by the International Board of Directors alongside Ravi’s statement following the testimony of Lori Anne Thompson in 2017, we participated in slandering her and her husband Brad Thompson. 

For this wrong and for compounding their pain, we are truly sorry and are filled with grief.

We welcome the statement of repentance issued by the International Board of Directors, and the commitments therein. We welcome the announcement that names of the board members will be made known.

It is our strong conviction that there must be a thorough and independent process of investigation into the organisation’s structure, culture, policies, processes, finances, and practices. The investigation should include a close scrutiny of how allegations against Ravi Zacharias were handled in all relevant years. 

We are grateful that Guidepost Solutions have been brought in with this investigative mandate. We are assured that they have been given full discretion and independence, including the ability to make recommendations of any restructuring or/and disciplinary procedures that need to take place in response to the findings of the investigation. 

We are hopeful that there is a commitment and process for the senior leadership team and all staff to cooperate and participate in a meaningful way. 

Our hope is that this investigation will ascertain the full extent of where we have gone wrong, will uncover all hidden areas, and lead us into further repentance, restitution and faithful response.