Tru Tangazo Uganda

RZIM Africa – Next Steps

Over the last 9 years, our team of 13 speakers and 5 support staff have served on the continent of Africa as part of the global team of RZIM. Our expressed mission has been to engage faithfully with questions, objections, reservations and concerns about the Christian faith in a way that best serves our context. 

Through digital media, events, conferences, speaking engagements, television, social media and countless opportunities across the continent, we have sought to help the believer think and the thinker believe. Our commitment to the beauty and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not changed.

In light of the gravity of these revelations we believe that it is necessary for the Africa team to take the following three months in which we commit to: 

  • Pray for, listen to and learn from victims and victim advocates, seek their forgiveness where appropriate, and take steps that emerge. 
  • Take much-needed rest and pastoral care for our team. 
  • Actively lean into disciplines of lament. 
  • Wrestle with a theological response and public witness around the themes of these revelations. 
  • Continue to engage with our stakeholders in a spirit of humility and transparency as we seek to build on the trust that has over the past years been graciously extended to us. 
  • Prayerfully seek God’s guidance on how best to continue with our mandate to preach and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Africa team, and the nature of our relationship with our founding organization moving forward. 

We also recognize that our call to follow Jesus, live a life honouring to God, and our mandate to preach the Gospel were given to us by Jesus Christ, and these remain our responsibility until He returns or calls us home. He bore our pain, shame and sorrow upon Himself on the cross, and we all stand humbly before Him in need of forgiveness.

It is the peace and love that He offers to anyone who will accept them that we preach, and it is to Him we turn on our own behalf and on behalf of all who have been hurt deeply. 

As the Regional Director, I, Mahlatse Mashua, am at your disposal to clarify any questions that may arise in this regard. Please contact us at